With a multitude of various machinery required for the production or refinement of doors and windows, RJ Woodworking Machinery stocks all the minor and major tools necessary for the creation of high-quality, market-friendly doors and windows.
This category is dedicated to the more critical machinery needed for doors and windows, the machinery that is responsible for handling the bulk of work involved in window and door production. With a selection of clamps and Vertongen’s machining centres (which allow for tenoning, profiling and an array of other functions), our equipment will leave you with excellent quality doors that will satisfy even the most demanding of customers.
Coming in both hydraulic and pneumatic form, clamps are a vital part in the production of windows and doors. Hydraulic clamps are used for heavier work that requires vigorous support. Pneumatic clamps are used for lighter, less intensive products such as bedroom and kitchen doors. For seamless joints in your doors and windows, clamps are the perfect solution – both pneumatic and hydraulic will leave you with a flawless-looking product, free of any obtrusive defects.
Manufactured by Vertongen, the machining centres/window centres that we stock will provide you with the critical functions of window and door making, all from one compact machine. With advanced, intuitive software that allows ergonomic and thorough control of the machine, tenoning and profiling operations can be carried out effectively, productively and with ease. These machines will provide you with quality products that any workshop would be proud of manufacturing.
With each product in this category supplied by either Vertongen or SCM, be assured that all of these machines will serve their purpose with absolute durability and sturdiness. Both manufacturers utilize the most up-to-date technology and deliver exceptional quality machines that will remain robust and reliable for years to come.
Our part exchange service will make it easier for you to exchange both your new and used machinery.
Finance Solutions
No matter your financial situation, we are on hand to help you find the best finance solutions for your needs.
We have hundreds of products from top-quality brands to shop from.
If you can’t find a product you need on our website, our team will be able to help you source it. Contact us today!
RJ Woodworking Machinery began trading more than 30 years ago with the simple vision to be one of the best providers of woodworking machinery and equipment in the UK.
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 17:00pm
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